People’s Choice Text Panels for Countermeasure by Alan Magee

As part of The People’s Choice exhibit, the Michener encourages visitors to submit text panels written about their favorite artwork for display in the gallery. The response has been phenomenal. Thank you to everyone who has written a text panel. We love interacting with visitors and gaining new perspectives of the artwork. A few weeks ago, I shared my thoughts on Alan Magee’s Countermeasure. I loved reading the text panel submissions on this work. They are very intriguing and bring a new perspective to the piece. The children’s submissions are particularly fascinating with their use of imagery and description. Because space is limited, not all of the text panel submissions are displayed, so I am sharing some of my favorites below.
The rocks just looked so real. When I walked out to the painting, it felt like the rocks were going to tumble off the wall. I could simply hear the ocean miles away in my imagination. It makes me feel like I’m at the beach!-Emma
The painting baffles me. I simply cannot fathom or understand how he did this. Looking from farther away it looks like it came from a computer and then when you look close up you see every little detail put into perspective.-James
My favorite part is how he puts stripes on the rocks. I think it’s interesting how a guy made it look so real. I thought it was cantaloupe and then I realized it was rocks.-Kameron
The painting Countermeasure evokes feelings of calmness and a sort of cleanliness, and a sense of awe upon the realization that it is a painting and not a photograph. The work is one which one can look at over and over and see something new each time. The level of detail is extraordinary, as is the play of light and shadow on the stones.-Jialin
My favorite part is how he mixed the paint to get the color of the rock.-Colin
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts on the works within The People’s Choice exhibit. If you have not been to the exhibit yet, please visit soon and submit a text panel. We love reading and sharing them!
-Caitlin McGrother, Michener Art Museum Intern