Quiz Contest: How Well Do You Know Muhammad Ali?

As part of our activities around the upcoming Ali and Elvis: American Icons exhibition, the Michener staff have put together a special quiz about Muhammad Ali based on the exhibition. How well do you know this famous icon?
Answer the questions on the quiz by responding to this blog post, and the first person to submit the correct answers to all the questions, will win free tickets to the exhibition! The following 9 people who submit their answers will also be eligible to win discounts on admission for the exhibition. Answers will be posted on this blog after all have been received by March 31st.
Note: Some answers to these questions can be found only in the exhibition, Muhammad Ali: The Making of an Iconhttps://www.michenerartmuseum.org/mam_exhibitions/muhammad-ali-the-making-of-an-icon/!
Quiz Questions:
1. What was Muhammad Ali’s full name at birth?
2. On what date did Cassius Clay become Muhammad Ali?
3. What year did Muhammad Ali win the Olympic Gold Medal?
4. On what date did Ali’s boxing title get revoked and what was the reason for this?
5. Ali used unorthodox styles like “rope-a-dope” in the ring. Who is the photographer that captured this famous technique in 1974?
6. Who is Ali featured with in the photograph called Champ and Future Champ by Steve Wilstein?
7. What did Elvis Presley give Muhammad Ali in 1973? What did Ali give Elvis in return?
8. What magazine crowned Ali “Sportsman of the Century”? What year did this occur?
9. Who and when was Ali’s first professional fight against?
10. Which famous leader was photographed with Ali in 1996?
Contest rules are found here. Respond to all of these questions in the comment field below by March 31st. Winners will be notified by the following week. Good luck!